Goodbye old system! Good riddance!
This morning, something escaped it's box!
Shane (The Plumber) had a lot of work to do.. I'm glad he understood what was going on here!
Or did he?
The evacuated tubes come 10 to a box, very well packaged because they're a tad delicate.
Marty follows instructions by shaking the tubes..
But this is not how he helped get them onto the roof!
Once they were all up, Marty took a look at them just as the rain-clouds came overhead. Isn't it always the way?
A job well done! We understand the law of having anything solar installed is that it will rain as much as possible over the next few days at least. :)
I'm so glad you finally have your solar water heater installed. Good for you. Also Ilove seeing pics of Marty. They always make me smile.