Monday, March 05, 2012

Autumn happenings

Converted dog kennel in use!
Only a little news, and it's all about little chooks.

At 5 weeks old, the 8 dorking chicks were desperate. The brooder that had seemed so big only a few weeks before was fast becomming too small! That's how it seemed to the chicks, but I knew where all that chick starter feed was going..

So Marty and I invested some time and money in a dog kennel. The largest that the pet store could provide. We took the floor out and replaced it with a frame with a wire bottom. It's removable (with a little effort) to aid cleaning. There are a couple of perches inside which are also removable, and the feeder is in there at the moment as well. Thankfully the sparrows havn't discovered it yet.

The painting was lots of fun. Infact, I think the paint cost us more money than any of the other improvements we did, but it was worth it. :) Marty found a piece of galvanised iron for the roof and the last of our Air-Cell insulation fit perfectly under the roof!

We fenced off a small area of the main chook yard and moved the chicks in. The next day it rained all day, which fascinated the chicks, as they had never experienced rain before. More than a couple of them became soaking wet, but were smart enough to go inside to warm up and dry off before venturing out again.

Today they are enjoying the sunshine and scratching around in the fallen leaves. They're having the time of their little lives. :)

As for the rest of the flock, they're all moulting. There are feathers everywhere and we're only getting a couple of eggs a week. We recently reduced our numbers, you see, so there are fewer chooks too. (Don't worry, they were rehomed, not dinners!)

So we now have just 4 dorkings, a roo called Victor, and a couple of large black hens - one of which is doing a great job of bringing up another two dorking chicks. I also brought home a couple of dorking hens from an auction - mostly because I felt sorry for them! Both are missing feathers and one is coughing, sneezing and gurgling. They're currently in quarantine in the A frame coop for now, getting some TLC and growing new feathers.

This is the day I brought them home. I'm a softie really!

Consider this a "before" shot!

Marty and I are doing ok. I recently started working part-time, and we're both looking forward to doing more renovations around Easter. At least, that's the plan!

Until next time.


  1. I'm wondering if the coughing, sneezing, gurgling Dorkings came from the same farmer who sold us some. He's out Mudgee way? all the chooks are coughing, sneezing, gurgling and I've had to run them on antibiotics for the first time ever! All getting bettter now. I love your brooder box for the chicks and the new hen house. Hopefully these two lovelies will pick up under your good care and attention. Happy chickening!

  2. ah that's right, you're in Victoria. So maybe the coughing, sneeznig, gurgling is doing the rounds this summer. They are lovely birds the Dorkings and we're really happy to finally have one!

  3. You're as bad as me, taking home sickly animals to care for! Glad to see the hens are all getting along well. I miss my hens ... :-(
