Friday, September 04, 2009

Sheds, friends, flowers and boots

Y'know, I think she's cute no matter where she is, even on a shed roof cutting caulk!

This week we installed some air cell insulation to make the shed more comfy inside. This involved cutting a bit of caulk, removing some flashing and the roof screws, shoving air cell under the tin and over the rafters inside the shed (some parts were tough!) and then putting it back together. Worth it? I think so but we'll see when it gets really hot and cold outside.

Remember that habitat log by the old cottage swamp? Well, meet Glen:

He's a new friend of ours that kindly helped cut it up and move it to where it sits now. Thanks Glen!

Our little beneficial bug blend garden bed has produced some flowers:

Know what kind they are? Neither do we! They look nice though and keep the stinging nettles company. We also have some yellow ones of the same variety coming up.

Manda took this while I was turning the compost:

I find it motivational. Our compost rocks!


  1. What a lovely thing to say. And I think it looks like a calendula

  2. Marty you remind me of my dearly beloved. No matter what I'm doing, he's always looking for the "cute" angle, LOL. Hope that's okay to say? :)

    Yep, and I agree with greenfumb, it's a calendula.

  3. Definitely a calendula - English marigold.
