Monday, May 07, 2012

Another coat

It's getting colder.. and although I'm not putting another coat on me, I did get another coat of plaster in the fireplace.

It's getting there, hey! Not bad for a beginner at finishing coats. I used a wooden trowel and a pretty wet lime plaster mix of 1 part lime to 2.5 parts sand. It'll be a lighter shade of whatever-that-colour-is when it dries, but we are planning on painting it with limewash anyway.

Our plasterer is popping over tomorrow to "finish" one of the walls in the loungeroom. "Finish" is a funny word around here, so excuse my chuckles. :) I'll be sure to take some pics. You'll be getting tired of wet plaster photos soon!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Looking very good - now you know how to do it, you can come visit me any time! I have two more chimney breasts to go ... ;-)
