There is a bale of pea-straw, a roll of chicken wire, a large bag of sheep manure, and a big bag of potting mix, a tiny bag of potash - oh, and I found a heap of colourful buckets at the op-shop for a great deal. :)
After seeing Gardening Australia (Episode 27) the other night, I was quite inspired to use their idea for potatoes in a chicken-wire cage. Since we don't have enough time to make a new garden bed just for the potatoes this season, this might just prove to be a good solution!
So, I put together what I could:
The wire frames took quite a while to make! They didn't show that on the show!
The only thing missing is the taters themselves! I havn't yet ordered any seed potatoes, silly me!
Some interesting links about the Potato:
International Year of the Potato 2008! Lots of information about the glorious potato!
Royal horticultural Society Good advice with choosing and chitting seed potatoes.
Late Blight (PDF) Info from the Victoria Gov't about the most common potato disease.
Tonight I used one of the colourful tubs to plant the chives seeds Mum gave us. Looking forward to them coming-up - since chives are a big part of the flavour of our diet - they'll be very much used and appreciated. :)
Otherwise, all is well. The weather is warming up (touch wood), the sun is shining, and I've been using muscles I've not used in a very long time. ;) Needless to say, baths are quite relaxing, and I don't miss having a shower at all!
Hi Manda, Glad to see you're back. I missed you yesterday.
ReplyDeleteI see you are still really into getting the garden going. I hope you get the potato seeds soon(I didn't know they came that way). My mom use to cut the eye out of a potato and plant it. I'm not sure thats all there is to it but thats all I remember. If you can't get the seed potatoes in time you might research the old fashioned way of doing it.
I'm glad the weather is warming up.
Sunshine is always good for the soul and also the garden.:)
I look for to your next blog.
Hope all is well with Marty too.
Love ya, Momsrirpy
Hey, Amanda, Hey, Marty
ReplyDeleteMarty-good to see you adding to the blog, not that there's anything wrong with it now. It's interesting, I've got it bookmarked so I can check it daily. I also bookmarked the site about the Australian spiders, sure are some colorful ones over there. House and garden is looking great. How about including some pics of the two of you?
I'll take some pics of Marty and me when Marty comes to visit next, I promise! Should be Saturday afternoon until Sunday morning. *sigh* Not long enough, but only a week after then before Marty comes home for good! Hooray!