Saturday, April 25, 2009

Real Rain!

We came home yesterday after being up in the "Rich River Country" (Echuca/Moama). Sadly, the visit wasn't a happy occasion - it was to say goodbye to my Uncle, who passed away during the Black Saturday bushfires.

We were woken up early Friday morning to the sound of heavy rain on the roof - a sound we havn't heard for a long time now. Stawell received 9.4mm (0.37 inches) on Friday, and another 9.4mm today so far. It is all very welcome, but the garden could do without the strong winds that are breaking my snowpeas in half and bending over the broccoli! The rain also split some of the carrots in the ground, including the massive purple dragon variety that I was planning on keeping in the ground to go to seed next year. I'm still not complaining, though! :)

The water tanks are just under half full already, and the council-owned channel behind our property (along the train line) is flowing with water - a sight we've never seen!

Here is Marty in the drenched backyard!

..and here's Marty grabbing a ladder to clear the inlet for the water tank. It was overflowing due to leaves blocking it up. Thankfully he saw it quick-smart, and we didn't loose too much of the precious water.

Meanwhile, I was putting buckets under the leaks in the kitchen and cooking a chicken stock for tonight's dinner. ;)

We are told to expect yet more rain before another dry spell. Thankfully, even in the heaviest of downpours, the loungeroom and bedroom remain dry and warm. We will need to get cracking on the renovations/restorations very soon, though!

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't that rain drenched ground look gloreous! So glad you got some rain down your way. The winds were up here too, but not as bad as we've had them in the past. Still knocked the veg around a bit.

    I'm going to try planting some wind breaks to prevent that from happening in future. Do you think some wind breaks will help protect your veg too - or is it the front garden where there isn't much room for shrubs?

    I'm sorry for the loss of your uncle too. I'm sure he lived a full life doing exactly what he wanted to do - being close to nature. Surrounded by bushland myself, I know the risk of fire is very real, but then there will always be hazards in life.

    If we're lucky, we get to enjoy what time we have here. :) Take care of you and yours.
