Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chainsaws and Gold Mines

Hi, I'm back from a long day of destroying habitat with a petrol powered chainsaw. It's sharpened teeth of rotating death were ripping through wood like butter as the bugs and spiders ran for their little lives. It's a necessary evil though. Some day we hope to have a property with many tall trees and some wood cutting experience will help.

So, onto the news that Manda has hinted about? Well, I emailed my resume for a "laboratory assistant" job at the local gold mine. Surprisingly, I received a call saying I was short listed as a candidate and I went to an interview the following Monday. Wednesday I received a call asking if I could go for a physical in Ballarat. I made an appointment for the next day and off we went! While we were there we went wacky and spent a wad of money! We bought a new bread tin, did some op shopping, gluten free fish and chips, a recorder for Mandas brother. Oh, and the physical went well too, they said I'm fit enough for mining, even though I probably won't ever go underground.

So on Friday I'm offered a full time position, I accept, and I start on Monday. Pretty quick eh? Yeh, I thought so too. hmmm...

Well, wish me luck. Hopefully we can make some phat l00t that will help us get where we want to be a bit quicker.


  1. Congrats Marty! Good luck for Monday.

  2. Hey, great development. Good luck on your first day today. :)

    Dave and I need to do a chainsaw course as well. It's the one thing stopping us from buying a chainsaw at the moment, and we really need one!

  3. Way to go, Marty. That's great news. I'm sure you'll do great. Can you get any "souvenirs"?
