Friday, November 06, 2009


A little present has been left on our new path. :)

2cm = 0.78 inches

I've seen the odd scat around the old cottage before - this one is more dried out than the others have been - it's been a few days since I first noticed it.

Marty and I have noticed the bits of black beetles in them before, too. This one's bugs are a little more digested than the others.

But you still get the idea...

We're guessing its one of the local blue-tongue lizards that is leaving these little presents around. I hope they have a good appetite, as the earwig population is quite high! Not nearly as bad as last year, but certainly catching a lot with the traps. Hmm, I hope they like earwig!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't come across any, will have to keep a look out. We have a lizard who lives in the neighbours drain or plastic pipe that comes out in the gutter.
