Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Disturbed Huntsman

It's been a little too warm to be working hard shovelling clay rubble out the lounge room window lately, so we'll show you this little pic and video of the inevitable spider!

I'm sure this is the biggest Huntsman I've ever seen!

.. and this is what Marty did about it!

Tomorrow should be cooler weather so we can get a better nights sleep and some proper work done. :)


  1. Wow, huge spider. Is it poisonous? Marty be real careful. I would have just swatted it and been done with it.

  2. Nah, not poisonous, just ugly. :) I'm not sure our swatter would have done it - he was HUGE! Marty popped him outside (across the road) where he'll hopefully find a tree to hide in instead. Of course, there's always the possibility that a bird would just eat him.. good luck huge huntsman!
